Sunday, January 30, 2011

Combat Cravings

WILL POWER is not what is required! You just need proactive solutions. Often cravings are the result of the body trying to get what it needs.

Here are some of my best strategies for cravings:

Adding a small amount of clean carbs or beans / lentils to your ANYTIME FEEDINGS. Just 2 tbsp is all that is required sometimes at each feeding.

- Add some excitement to your beverages with some fizz and fruit.

- Enjoy a small, clean 10% feeding such as mejool dates and cashews. But measure them out!

- Cocoa powder is KING (or Queen!). A little bit of our favorite food can keep cravings on hold the entire day. I love my Protein Pudding as an afternoon snack and look so forward to it.

- Add nutrients to your ANYTIME meals with nuggets like garlic, ginger, dried fruit, fresh fruit, black sesame seeds, fresh herbs and a variety of spices. More flavour and more micronutrients may be just what the body and brain needs!

I have lentils rinsed, drained and read to go in the fridge to stir into ANYTIME meals just in case I feel I would benefit from a bit more carbs. Blueberries are also nice in just about anything!

So next time you feel the cravings coming on, don't question your commitment to your goals or your hormonal health - the best solutions are often the simplest.

A little dab will often do!


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