Thursday, March 11, 2010

Physique Friendly Pizza - Step 1 THE CRUST

I love pizza but have given it up for a few years now as pizza did not love me. Most pizza is too carb, fat and calorie dense not to mention the oodles of ooey gooey cheese was causing more harm than good digestively.

The first step in making a physique and performance friendly pizza is the CRUST:

Protein Pizza Crust RECIPE: (high protein, high fiber, low carb)

1 cup egg whites
1 cup eggs
1 cup ground flax
1 scoop brown rice, pea or hemp protein powder (I prefer hemp)
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp hot pepper flakes
2 cups spinach

Blend in blender until smooth. Pour over PAM Sprayed (olive oil) large frying pan to a moderate / thin layer. Cook covered over medium to medium-high heat until many bubbles appear and it starts to cook through. Flip and cook other side. Cool completely. Cover with pizza toppings after cooled and bake on stone (round pizza size) for 8 minutes as 400 degrees.


Mary Alice said...

Hi Krista! I’m allergic to eggs, do you have susbtitute for it or maybe an egg-less recipe?? Thabks a lot!

Anonymous said...

I bet you are diggin cauliflower crusts!